Week 7/ Potions and Paint: July 29 to August 2
Mixing paint, pouring glitter, slime and squishies- in our carpet, not yours! We will read The Girl who Drew Butterflies by Joyce Sidman, head to local parks, play, paint, and craft. A colorful week awaits!
Camp Beehive is a crafting summer camp for children ages 4-9 years old. Each week, immersive crafts have been chosen that will help shape our theme, activities, and adventures. Our program day runs from 8:30 AM- 3 PM and aftercare is available from 3-5:30 PM for an additional fee.
Camp Beehive has 3 "home" spaces in the Bok Building: Beehive, Beehive Upstairs (Beehive's new classroom, crafteteria and board game cafe) and The Craftship, artist Steph Kimmel's studio. We also travel to local parks and spend time on the Bok stoops.