For Our Tiniest Pollinators… (and their caregivers)

Introducing our newest program: Mornings for Little Bees! Mornings for Little Bees is a drop-off play and invitation based group babysitting for children ages 2-4 years old. Each session, play, crafts, and stories have been chosen that will help shape our mini adventures.

Mornings for Little Bees will run on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-12:30. You can choose from one day a week, two days, or all three by booking the session(s) that you want. The Fall session will run from September 16th through November 21st.


What does a Mornings group look like?

Our sessions will open with morning play and our little Bees will choose activities based on invitations put around the room. Sensory materials, art supplies and lots of open-ended toys will be available for play and investigation.

After play, we gather to read, sing and share. It is a time to welcome and hear each other.

We have snack and then move into some more play and creative offerings- like pretend play and playdoh or planting seeds in dirt and building with legos.

We end our day with more songs and shared time in a circle.